Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Obama the Racist?

Written by Kevin Jackson

The question was recently posed to me, "Do you think Obama is a racist?" I answered, "Obama is the best kind of racist to whites, but the worst kind of racist to blacks." My questioner was perplexed.

I began by explaining that Obama's racism against whites is upfront, in-your-face racism, which he discussed in his book Dreams from My Father:

I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.

I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.

Obama learned this racist ideology during his formative years from his mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, a self-admitted communist and sexual deviant, and most certainly a racist -- the kind that blacks say cannot exist.

As Robin of Berkeley suggested in an article in American Thinker, "Davis blamed racism and capitalism for all of the problems in society and instructed young Barry, 'Don't fully trust white people,' and ‘Black people have a reason to hate.'"

In Obama's defense, his book was written prior to his emergence onto the scene in 2004. Perhaps he had formulated new ideas on whites, and had stopped "nursing that pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against [my] mother's race"? Or not.

After the tutelage of Davis, Obama's next-biggest "non-influence," as it were, came in his twenty-plus-year association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama sold his racism to whites during his presidential campaign, saying that he didn't really listen to the hate-speech wrongfully labeled "sermons" at his so-called church. This was a "church" that practiced Cone's Black Liberation Theology,-a "theology" in which if the word "black" were replaced with "white," the "church" would have undoubtedly been considered a haven for the Aryan Brotherhood. The Acton Institute reports:

The echoes of Cone's theology bleed through the now infamous, anti-Hilary excerpt by Rev. Wright. Clinton is among the oppressing class ("rich white people") and is incapable of understanding oppression ("ain't never been called a n-gg-r") but Jesus knows what it was like because he was "a poor black man" oppressed by "rich white people." While Black Liberation Theology is not mainstream in most black churches, many pastors in Wright's generation are burdened by Cone's categories which laid the foundation for many to embrace Marxism and a distorted self-image of the perpetual "victim."

Obama claimed that he didn't pay attention to Wright's rants. As Obama said, "I missed a lot of Sundays." Liberal whites gave him yet another pass.

Post-election Obama continued to flaunt his racism in the face of whites by loading his team with black racists. His first appointment was a noted Black Nationalist, Van Jones, to the post of Green Jobs Czar. Appointing a Black Nationalist to this position by Obama would be like Bill Clinton appointing a Klansman to a similar position. At least with the latter appointment, the Left might have feigned outrage.

John Bracey sketches his interpretation of Black Nationalism: [Published circa 1969.]

First, Black America exists in a state of colonial subordination to White America. Black America is a colony. It is and has always been subjected to political, economic, social, and cultural exploitation by White America. These circumstances define Black America's "underdevelopment" as a nation. Political decisions are made by whites outside the black community; no black bourgeoisie with any meaningful economic power has been allowed to develop, and the major vehicles for cultural expression such as schools, radio, television, and the printed media are under white control.

One would think that with BET and The WB, and the all-black radio stations that you can find in any major city, that there is no longer a need for Black Nationalists like Van Jones, or even a Black Nationalist movement in general. However, no sooner was Van Jones appointed than we were treated to the racist stylings of Mark Lloyd, his most famous quip being, "...white people need to relinquish their power to others." Others being "non-whites."

As for Obama's racism against blacks, you don't have to be a genius to understand it. However, it is easier to understand if you are not a product of government schools. Obama's racism against blacks is much more subtle, though exponentially more insidious.

Obama actually believes he helps blacks through his policies, when in fact the outcome devastates them. A good example is education.

Blacks recognize almost universally that education is the key to escaping the cycle of poverty and other ills plaguing the black community.

Obama's first racist act as president was to remove the voucher program that Bush had established in D.C., a program that Democrats vote against overwhelmingly. This program was producing proven positive results, but it was eliminated -- and black children in D.C. were relegated to socialized schools in crime and drug-infested neighborhoods. Simply put, why give black children the choice to opt out of the indoctrination?

Here is how one Liberal organization interpreted Obama's actions:

Obama and U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan have expressed their clear opposition to voucher subsidies for religious and other private schools and their support for a strong public school system. This is a sharp contrast to the Bush administration, which lobbied relentlessly for vouchers, imposed a voucher scheme on the District of Columbia and even held a last-minute conference to push for a government bail-out of financially troubled inner-city Catholic schools.

Obama thinks so highly of the public schools in D.C. (and Chicago) that he put his children in private school.

There are many other examples of these train-wreck policies of Liberals, and particularly with this administration -- an administration that had poor blacks believing that Obama was Santa Claus. As with most policies implemented by Liberals, the real trickle-down impact ends up costing blacks more, making them that much more dependent on the government...the endgame orchestrated by then-Senator and racist Democrat Lyndon Baines Johnson, when he commented in 1957:

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again.

The first black president's policies marginalize blacks. It is the cruelest sort of racism, as it robs blacks of hope instead of inspiring it. Blacks were left with the hope that Obama would redistribute money from creators of wealth to those who would gladly take something for nothing.

The president, voted for by overwhelming numbers of blacks and guilty whites, has likely been the most destructive force in racial politics since his fellow racist Democrat Bull Connor. And what Obama seeks for blacks -- socialism, or the leveling of the playing field -- has not benefited blacks anywhere on the planet.

On blacks' ancestral continent, there is not one country that provides a beacon of hope. Africa is where one would think Obama could prove that his policies would work for blacks. Yet in Africa today, there are wars and rumors of wars. The outcome depends only on the "cide" you are on...infanticide, homicide, fratricide, or genocide. Dictators are pillaging the countries they should be serving, and the African people have nothing to show for it but abject poverty and oppression.

In Euro-socialist countries with representative black populations like France, Sweden, and others with representative black populations, there are no black leaders now or emerging. The fact is that the place where black people thrive best is the United States of America. America boasts more multi-millionaire black athletes, entertainers, business moguls, and so on than any country in the world -- all due to capitalism.

Here's the wrap:

Is Obama a racist? Of course he is! But as I say about racists, most just need to see what the other side is like. Obama knows conservatism only anecdotally, as he has never had a conservative friend. He understands only one side -- the racist radical side. This is why sanity appears to be radical to him, why patriots are persecuted and achievers neutered.

A true conservative would never befriend a person like Obama. Obama needs to be surrounded by sycophants and suckups, or radical leaders he can admire. My hope is that Obama will actually get to know a few conservatives, black and white. Then maybe, just maybe, he will understand how he is both the best and worst kind of racist.

By Kevin Jackson is author of the Amazon Best Seller, The BIG Black Lie.

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  1. I believe that Obama is a racist. He proved that to me by how he handled the Professor Gates controversy. He automaically favored his black friend even though Gates was clearly out of line. Plus, obama admitted to not having knowledge of the facts. The police officer was extremely patient.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with this article. I am a libertarian annd I deliberately refused to vote in this last presidential election. Choosing between the lesser of the evils is absurd.

    I wanted Obama to win because I thought that his policies might inspire black people to realize that the difference between the two parties were virtually indistinguishable.

    Unfortunately, the results of the election and the attitude and actions of most black people that I have met is the same old same old.

    In general black people are playing the same old blame the whitey game that they have been doing for decades. They seem to put white people into two classes. One class is those who will do something for them and another is one who will not do something for them.

    I think that this is a very sad situation. Black people need to focus in on positives that they can do on their own without government support. Their dependent attitude is hurting them more than any political roadblocks that were and/or can be created.

    I am much more skeptical in my dealings with them than I used to be. I try to avoid using race as a primary determining factor in any type of personal and/or business situation. It has become increasingly difficult for me to avoid being defensive in dealing with black people especially in business situations.

    I am hopeful that black people will examine the situation and deal with it with an open mind. their preconceived ideas may be proven to incorrect and have been their major barriers to success.
