Sunday, December 12, 2010

Are You A Cosignatory?

One of our favorite Conservatives in South Florida writes to the local MSM (okay, I think by now, we all know the MSM is a Marxist Wing of the current Regime).

A cosignatory is one who promises to pay a debt incurred by a loaner if
the loaner reneges on the loan. When the loaner uses the money other
than the original intent, the cosignatory is still liable.

Using a metaphor; if an elected official promises to vote for legislation on
behalf of his constituents, but instead patronizes a saloon and buys rounds
of drinks for everybody, to make him look like a real nice guy and a sport,
is no different from one using his position to squander our tax money on
give away entitlements, serving the same purpose as the round of drinks,
for his or her reelection.

Having voted for this candidate, you became his or her cosignatory and are liable for the trillions of dollars deficit. The costly round of drinks being Obamacare, financial institute and automobile bailouts, unstimulus money, eternal unemployment compensation, etc.

A separate tax assessment should be put in place for these cosignatories who
voted for their candidates, who are responsible for our astronomical debt.

Written by George, a Real Patriot

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