Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Obama Votes Against Born Alive Babies

B. Hussein Obama, the "Smartest President Ever???" votes Against Born Alive Babies! The brave Jill Stanek tells the truth, something the regime is not familiar with. This isn't just about abortions. No, this is about babies who are aborted and survive but are left to die in a utility room because Obama doesn't feel that they should be saved. He has refused to sign a bill to help protect these children. Yet, the MSM Frauds and Celebs and self-loathing White People still support Barry.

Top Obama health aide cashes out after health ‘reform’

An Obama appointee who played a central role in crafting the 2010 health care bill has cashed out to a well-connected lobbying firm, where her first clients are two of the bill’s beneficiaries: abortion provider Planned Parenthood and a hospital chain.

Liz Engel was deputy assistant secretary for legislation at the Department of Health and Human Services. Today she is a managing director at the Glover Park Group in the health and wellness practice. Her story further highlights the coziness of this administration with the abortion industry, and also undermines President Obama’s portrayal of the health care bill as a broadside against special interests.

Most importantly, Engel’s spin through the revolving door shows the emptiness of the new ethics rules that the White House brags about at every opportunity.

According to her bio on the Glover Park Group website, her job there was “conducting outreach on behalf of the health care policy working group to trade associations, businesses, unions and advocacy organizations.” In other words, she helped persuade industries to support Obama’s plan. In the end, the drug lobby, the doctor lobby, and the hospital lobby all backed the bill — and, of course, so did Planned Parenthood.

Big government greases the revolving door. Had Congress passed a reform reducing the role of government in health care, companies would have less need for the consulting and lobbying work of folks like Engel, Daschle, Myers and the others who shaped the legislation.

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1 comment:

  1. It is but right to give these angels a second life. They were not alive after being aborted for nothing.
