Sunday, June 5, 2011


This was sent off to the London Times

Dear Editor,

It will be greatly appreciated if you can convey the
following apology to your readers.

On behalf of the American people I offer my deepest apology to
our British friends, for the embarrassing behavior our President
exhibited during the Queen's state dinner honoring him and the
first lady. It was rude and ignorant of him to continue toasting the
Queen during the playing of your national anthem. His arrogant
excuse was, he thought it was a sound track for effect while he

Returning the bust of Winston Churchill was a slap in the face to
England and the British people. It was a gift from you to America,
not for him to express his grievance against the UK about his radical
Kenyan father

We have opportunity to remedy the situation in November of 2012.
I hope our number one priority is to ask that Winston be returned
to the oval office.

George Giftos

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