Thursday, April 21, 2016

Letter to the Editor

Good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol, Joe Biden.
You can count on good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol, Joe Biden never to miss an opportunity to keep his big mouth shut.  And, his timing as always, is impeccable.  
Joe, just recently returned from being feted and hosted by PM Netanyahu in our only true ally in all the World, lonely little Israel.  
And while our anti-Semitic, anti-American, devout Muslim Pres. Barack Hussein Obama is in Saudi Arabia prostituting himself and our nation to the Israel+Jew hating Saudi Royal Family - -  and merely hours after we learned the news that some peace-loving, Islamist thugs blew up a bus in Israel, seriously wounding at least 21 innocent Jews - - good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol Joe Biden decided the time was ripe to spew out a litany of things that he believes Israel is doing to make the world a less safe place for themselves and for the United States.  Way to go, Joe, you nitwit.
Good ‘ol, dependable ‘ol Joe chose to deliver his message full of rhetorical gasoline and he chose to throw it onto the raging fire that is the Middle East.  Adding intentional insult to injury, he did it before an audience comprised of 150% Israel-hating, American Jews that call themselves, ‘J-Street’.  Anything to help exacerbate the situation, huh Joe?  You nitwit.
And, this is the Democrat genius waiting in the wings to save the day by jumping into the race for the Presidency, in case both Hillary and Sanders do themselves in with stupidity?     Nitwits, all!

        MORT KUFF  © 4-20-2016

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  1. Your letter to the Editor should not surprise anyone as Obama and his flunkies like Biden always attack Israel and support the Terrorists. hatred towards Israel is the primary consideration for the candidates to be picked for the Obama regime.

  2. Thanks for introducing a little ratioanltiy into this debate.
