Thursday, March 29, 2012

House Conservatives Fund Endorsements

Dear Patriots,

I’m excited to announce our first round of endorsements from the House Conservatives Fund for 2012. Here’s the full list of our endorsements:

Allen West (FL)
Ann Marie Buerkle (NY)
Robert Hurt (VA)
Chuck Fleischmann (TN)
Doug Lamborn (CO)
Frank Guinta (NH)
Jim Renacci (OH)
Joe Walsh (IL)
Larry Bucshon (IN)
Mike Coffman (CO)
Mike Kelly (PA)
Quico Canseco (TX)
Renee Ellmers (NC)
Scott Garrett (NJ)
Sean Duffy (WI)
Steve King (IA)
Steve Southerland (FL)
Tim Griffin (AR)
Tom Reed (NY)

These men and women are rock-solid conservatives. Without question they have followed through on their commitment to fundamental conservative principles during their time in office. I can tell you that we didn’t take these endorsements lightly. They were made after careful study of their records.

What do these endorsements mean? First, thanks to your donations, we are able to support each of them with a check to their re-election campaign. We’re also going to feature them prominently on our website: so voters in their districts know they are reliable conservatives.

We’re also going to look for other ways to support them, whether that’s radio and Internet ads, live webcasts, conference calls, or calling voters. This all requires your financial support. Please click HERE to make a donation today to continue HCF’s support of our endorsed candidates.

Each of these Members represents a majority-making seat. What does that mean? It means that in 2010 they helped conservatives win the House. In 2012, it means they represent a competitive district that could be won by a Democrat in November.

Despite the competitive races each of these candidates find themselves in, they haven’t shied away from standing strong for conservative principles in the House, whether it’s repealing Obamacare, fighting tax increases, getting our debt under control, or cutting wasteful government spending.

Please, support the House Conservatives Fund today so we can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our allies in Congress. It’s essential that we backup our friends in Congress.

Thanks for your support.


Congressman Patrick McHenry
House Conservatives Fund

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