Friday, March 30, 2012

Texas Senate Race - Support Ted Cruz

Fellow Conservatives:

I'm writing to give you a quick update on the U.S. Senate race in Texas. Please forward this email to as many people as you can.

The Republican primary election in Texas is just two months away so there's no time to waste.

The proven, tested, and unmatched conservative candidate in the race -- former Texas Solicitor General Ted Cruz -- has launched his first radio and television ads to win support across Texas.

Many of you have contributed financially to Ted's campaign and now he's putting your money to work.

Ted Cruz is also stepping up his media appearances. Last week, he was featured on Mark Levin's nationally syndicated radio show. Levin put it best when he said, "If we are going to repeal ObamaCare, we need some fighters who are articulate, charismatic, and have the kind of skills necessary to do it. Ted Cruz in Texas, I could not support him more strongly."

We agree and this is why the Senate Conservatives Fund has invested nearly $1 million in his race through a combination of direct fundraising for Ted Cruz's campaign and a major independent expenditure for a statewide television commercial.

The key to a conservative victory in Texas is simple. We need to hold the current frontrunner -- Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst -- under 50% and make sure Ted Cruz finishes in first or second place. This will force a run-off election and give Ted Cruz even more exposure and the benefit of a two-man contest.

To succeed, we must rapidly spread the word about this outstanding conservative leader.

Ted Cruz needs money and if you can give more to his Senate campaign, please do so today at

Click HERE to Support Ted Cruz and the Senate Conservatives Fund.

We're entering the phase of this campaign where word of mouth promotion is also extremely effective. People in Texas are now beginning to pay more attention to the race so we need to contact as many of them as possible.

That is why we're starting an email forwarding campaign for Ted Cruz. Please forward this email to as many people as you can. We'll keep track of the number of times it's opened and how much money is raised.

If someone forwarded this to you, please forward it again. If we work together to spread the word, we can win this race. Also, if you're not already a member of the Senate Conservatives Fund, please sign-up today so you can stay informed of our progress in this critical U.S. Senate race.

Thank you for your continued support for the principles of freedom that make this country great.


Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Chairman, Senate Conservatives Fund

Our values are under siege. President Obama and establishment politicians from both parties have broken promises, driven us to the brink of bankruptcy and failed to secure our border. Politicians make promises in the quest for power, leaders deliver results that empower individuals.

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