Showing posts with label Greta-Van-Susteren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greta-Van-Susteren. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Sarah Palin Rips Phony Obama And Scumbag MSM

Sarah Palin on the Fox Network with Greta Van Susteren.

Sarah Palin was forbidden to talk about real issues during her campaign. Palin was not allowed to tell the truth about the racist Jeremiah Wright and his closeness with Barry Soetoro Obama. Sarah Palin has the backbone to tell America that the scumbags in the Mainstream Media give cover for Barry Obama to destroy the United States.

John Mccain and any Republican who thinks they have to tip toe around these Marxists are delusional. The Democrats will say anything especially dump lies on any Republican and the MSM goes along with it. The scary part is that too many Republicans and these RINO’s wimp out and fold to these vile Marxists, aka Democrats

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Allen West Takes New Media Job With PJ Media

On The Record ~ Allen West announces he will be joining PJ Media

Allen West has announced that he is taking a new media job with PJ Media. PJ Media is an excellent website and media outlet helping combat Left Wing Marxists. Allen West had his announcement on Greta Van Susteren’s Fox News show.

Allen made the announcement during his interview with Greta Van Susteren. Michelle Fields and radio host John Phillips will join him in this new venture.

Once upon a time – 2005 to be specific – Academy Award Nominee Roger L. Simon got together with Charles Johnson (the blogger behind Little Green Footballs) and Glenn Reynolds (the blogger behind Instapundit) to create a new blog that would shed light on issues important to Americans through insightful reporting, commentary and analysis. The mainstream media tried to dismiss them as disgruntled people blogging in their pajamas. They rejected the evaluation but adopted the name, and PJ Media was born.

At last count, 1.4 million unique visitors go to each month and consume 20 million page views of our content. And those big numbers keep getting bigger. We want to count you in that number too.

There’s one more big idea we want to share with you.

Beyond covering and commenting on the news, PJ Media is on a mission. We call it voices from a free America.

PJ Media voices work to …

• keep speech free in our society and media,
• ensure free thinking in our schools and media,
• encourage a free and prosperous economy,
• rid our children of massive government debt and an overreaching government,
• and defend, protect and preserve what made, and will continue to make, America great.

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