Tyrone Woodfork, 20, was charged in Tulsa County District Court with felony first-degree murder, two counts of robbery with a firearm and first-degree burglary.
A week ago, in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a black kid named Tyrone Woodfork severely beat an elderly couple. Yes, this Tyrone Coward attacked a Mr. & Mrs. Strait, who had been married for 65 years. Tyrone RAPED Mrs. Strait, and she died of injuries received at his hands. Mr. Strait served in the 101st Airborne during WWII. NO national media carried the story. Tyrone was arrested yesterday. The Cowards in the MSM, Al Sharpton , barry Soetoro, Rev. Wright, Jesse Jackson and Ann Curry sit quietly.
I supposed that if Mr. Strait had shot Tyrone, the whole country would know about the story. As it is, only Mrs. Strait died, so it's not of interest to Brian Williams and the rest of the MSM – Media Supporting Marxism.
Think about it. After 65 years of marriage. After serving our country. After 90 years of life, Mr. Strait has lost his wife to a rapist/murderer. NO ONE in the national media gives a flip. They're interested in their wonderful hero, Trayvon Martin. Could the jewelry that was in Martin’s passion when he was suspended from school be yours? If trayvon was slandering your Daughter, Sister or Mom on Twitter with misogynist statements, would that be okay? I am not saying to shoot him over that yet it goes to the evidence of how Zimmerman perceived him, Martin trying to be a Gangsta.
Man charged with murder in deadly home invasion. Does he look like he could be Obama's Son?

1 comment:
Certainly Obama will make no statement on how Nancy Strait could have been his grandmother or how Bob Strait could have been that uncle who "liberated Auschwitz ".
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