Showing posts with label Judge- Clarence-Thomas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judge- Clarence-Thomas. Show all posts

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Young Black Woman Shreds George Takei for his Racist Comments

This Video is outstanding as it shows a young, smart conservative Black Woman putting the lowlife George Takei in his place. The despicable “Star Trek” actor George Takei made some racist slurs against Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas. So much for the Left Wingers loving free speech. Only if you bash America will the Left Wing embrace you.

The truth is that Conservatives want to see more Minorities become wealthy and self-reliant. However the Liberals, aka Democrats want to keep Black People on the plantation.

This awesome Young Lady from Michigan also points out the liberals (or are they wanting to be called progressives now that they are progressively destroying America) are just “a bunch of racists.” The goal of this Young Woman is to promote Conservative Christian values among the black community.

Let us not forget the Democrat party has a long history of Racism. Democrats own the party of Slavery, Jim Crow, Segregation, as well as the KKK.

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