Showing posts with label Nancy-Pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy-Pelosi. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

MORT’s meanderings

GOP: The Party of NO”
or , “What difference-at this point-does it make?”

I am at a loss to understand what makes Republicans in the Congress tick.  Why are they still playing catch-up in the Democrat’s game of deception?   What is the point?

After five years of experiencing Obama’s Chicago street-thug tactics as practiced and promulgated by the likes of Rahm Emanuel, David Axelrod and the assorted Socialists, Marxists, Communists, Islamists and other reprobates in this president’s legion of corrupt lackeys, why are Congressional R’s still trying to appease, accommodate, suck-up and  cave-in to the bribery & intimidation of the Democrat Despicables?  That’s a long question, maybe it deserves to be read, again.  

Given the tactics, motivations and shenanigans of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and upChuck Schumer, how can any self-respecting Republican in the Congress say anything but “NO”, to whatever devious proposals these fools come up with?

Doesn’t the Republican leadership know the power they can wield with the word, “NO”?  Have they forgotten that the House holds the purse-strings; that they have the power to withhold funding for Obama’s lunatic policies?  Does House Speaker John Boener not have the balls to do what Harry Reid does in the Senate – that is simply, not to bring certain bills to the floor?  Two wrongs don’t make a right but, these are the power tools available to leadership.  And, they must be used judiciously, in order to keep this nation from sinking into the abyss toward which the Democrats are intentionally driving it.    

Do House and Senate Republicans have such little respect for the intelligence of the people who voted to send them to Washington as their representatives, that they abandon their basic Conservative principles when it comes time to cast their own votes in the Legislature?   Or, do they drink the seductive water from the Potomac that guarantees them immortality – and the establishment of permanent roots in the District of Corruption – until death do they part?

Well, since I’ve gone this far to irritate both the Obama-nistas and the woosie Congressional Republicans, let me plop this cherry on top the cake -  “Tune-in to Rush Limbaugh” weekdays, Noon to 3PM.     There!  That oughta do it.

MORT KUFF  © 7-10-2013

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Tell Congress Enough is Enough! NO NEW TAXES!

Dear Patriots,

Less than a week ago, in a deal to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff," President Obama and Congress voted to raise taxes on 77% of Americans. But a $620-billion tax hike isn't enough for Democrats in Congress.


They want more of your money to finance their ridiculous efforts to tax and spend America to prosperity. On CBS' "Face the Nation" yesterday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told host Bob Schieffer that Democrats weren't done raising taxes in the wake of the "fiscal cliff" deal:
"The president had said originally he wanted $1.6 trillion in revenue," Pelosi explained. "He took it down to $1.2 as a compromise. In this legislation, we had $620 billion, very significant, high-end tax -- changing the high-end tax rate to 39.6 percent. But that is not enough on the revenue side."
Pelosi also said that, if she were president, she would go around Congress and invoke the 14th Amendment to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. Click on the image below to watch a portion of her CBS interview:

The former House Speaker's comments raise huge red flags for conservatives:
"This is scary, folks," says Eric Odom, managing director of LibertyNEWS, the official news division of Grassfire Nation. "Pelosi makes it clear that she believes Congress should have no authority to stop President Obama from spending. In typical Leftist fashion, Pelosi ignores the fact that cuts to government can have the same outcome as tax increases. Apparently, scaling back a bloated and unnecessary government is not on her agenda. Blank checks are the name of the Democrat game."
A "fiscal cliff" plan that includes $41 in tax hikes for every $1 in spending cuts -- one that, according to the Congressional Budget Office, raises the deficit by $4 trillion over the next ten years -- still doesn't satisfy President Obama and the Spend-ocrats.

Pelosi and her fellow Democrats want you, the American taxpayer, to finance their spending binges by skirting the U.S. Constitution and forcing you to write them one blank check after another -- for whatever they deem essential to enacting their far-Left agenda.

+ + Tell Congress, "Enough is enough! NO NEW TAXES!"

But Grassfire Nation says enough is enough! We're asking you to join with tens of thousands of fellow team members who are telling Congress, "NO NEW TAXES!"

Last month, we launched a citizen petition that enables you to make your voice heard on Capitol Hill. Go here now to sign our NO NEW TAXES petition:

As of today, we want you to oppose this Congressional money-grab. Grassfire wants to hand-deliver more than 100,000 signatures to key leaders on Capitol Hill this week!

We are so close to our goal. But we won't reach it in time, unless we hear from team members, like you, who are willing to make a difference.

We want Congress to hear the voices of angry patriots calling out, "NO NEW TAXES!" Demand real, principled leadership at this critical time by taking immediate action! Sign Grassfire's important NO NEW TAXES petition by going here now:

+ + Alert Your Friends

After signing, be sure to alert your friends and family members -- urging them to stand with you by signing our citizen petition. This grassroots effort requires our team members to reach out to others who have yet to take action.

Encourage them to click here to be included in this important petition delivery on Capitol Hill.

Thank you for your support.

The Grassfire Team

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