Showing posts with label cesspool.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cesspool.. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

MSNBC Host Melissa Perry Flaunts Her Bigoted Belief System and Hate of America

The Democrats are full of Bigots and too many have the power to push their agenda on America. The MSM Cowards are a majority of lowlifes who deep-down are cowards. They realize that they are racist so they think the rest of America is also. Not true, as many Republicans want to have everyone off the plantation.

For example this Bigot Melissa Harris-Perry believes that all Black people are anti-police and she thinks all black people are anti-American. Melissa Harris-Perry will try to put all Black People in a box on the plantation. Melissa Harris-Perry thinks all black People are Bad Drivers without car insurance. She pushes her agenda as to make herself feel better about her own lowly existence of hate towards Whitey. Deep down she is the typical Democrat with a Bigot belief system towards blacks in America.

Luckily America still has some Patriots such as Glenn Beck and the Blaze. The Blaze compiled some information below to expose the Bigots like Melissa Harris-Perry and the Cowards in the MSM.

According to MSNBC Host & Former Obama Colleague Melissa Harris-Perry

•9/11 vaulted America into a “nationalist fervor” that was similar to “having post-traumatic stress disorder”
•Makes racial joke about African-American men wearing NYPD hats
•9/11 provided an opportunity for a new “racial enemy” in America
•America “identifies who we are…through our notions of whiteness and of the racial enemies that are the non-whites”
• 9/11 gave America a chance to shift its racial hate from “Reagan‘s ’welfare Queen’“ to ”imagine” our enemy as ”somehow Muslim, or Arab, or Sikh, or something else.”
•Americans an ability to “stomach a kind of horrific racial violence in the name of national security”
•Those that are “activating terrorism against us” are “imagined racial enemies”

During a speaking engagement Monday, MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry made some startling accusation concerning 9/11 and Americas War on Terror. Perry, who anchors The Melissa Harris-Perry show on the weekends, remarked that 9/11 vaulted America into a “nationalist fervor” that was similar to “having post-traumatic stress disorder.”

The former neighbor to President Obama even used a racial joke to make her point, saying she knew the city was suffering from PTSD because “for about a year, there were African-American men walking around the city of New York with NYPD hats on. That can only be explained as a PTSD response.”

The Tulane Professor of Political Science continued, noting that 9/11 provided an opportunity for a new “racial enemy” in America, explaining:

“Americans in part identify who we are, and who deserves what, through our notions of whiteness and of the racial enemies that are the non-whites.”

Another example of how the Left Wing Democrats push their agenda on the American People. Really, the majority of the MSM in America is the largest cesspool. The MSM is full of these Cowards and they continue to push the Leader and his Marxist agenda.

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