Showing posts with label evil-obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label evil-obama. Show all posts

Thursday, October 26, 2017

MORT’s meanderings

The most evil person living in America today, is
the immediate past-President of the United States.

After two terms (8 years) of systematically doing everything legal or otherwise he could to bring about the downfall & demise of our America, BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is shamelessly continuing that effort unabated, from his home base in Washington, D. C. under the veil of something he calls, ‘Organizing for Action’.

Thanks to a legion of racist, dimwit followers who scoff at established law and disrespect those who are sworn to enforce the law, these are dissidents who get off on Obama’s anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, anti-Constitution, anti-establishment, anti-American tradition rhetoric & tactics  – and despite the majority of everyday, working class American citizens who want nothing to do with this sick trend – Obama has gained  traction with this misguided movement.  By twisting the truth and shoveling hypocrisy by the shitload, he is predictably, having some success among the fools and bottom-feeders who slavishly get their news and talking points from CNN, MSNBC, NYTimes and the rest of the hard-left, utterly biased news media.

Nowhere in the 240+ year history of our nation, is there anything comparable to this most egregiously traitorous movement perpetrated by any organized force much less, one that is being spearheaded by a former President of the United States, with the stated goal of resisting any and all progress proposed by the duly-elected, sitting President & His Administration.  It is beyond stunning.  It is morally corrupt and wrong.

The legacy of Obama is replete with moral corruption and dead-wrong actions taken with intent to do harm to our Nation and its citizenry.  Obama, a certified Narcissist, is all about preserving his disgusting record of evil.

              MORT KUFF    © 10-22-2017                                                                                                                           

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