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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Megyn Kelly with Dinesh D'Souza's Inside look at the film 'America'

This is some of the transcript from "The Kelly File," from July 3, 2014 on FOX News.

MEGYN KELLY, HOST: Abraham Lincoln plays a big role in this telling of the story of "America." And this film serves as a follow-up to Dinesh D'Souza's project "2016: Obama's America." That film became the second most popular political documentary in history. When D'Souza set out to make this movie, he set his goal was to challenge the quote "leftist progressive critique" of America.

Joining me now, Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh, congratulations on the film.


KELLY: Why was it important for you to make this? You grew up in India.

D'SOUZA: I grew up in a different world, actually a world without America, and although I grew up in a middle-class family in India, I grew up without a phone, without television, without hot water, we had a car but if you looked down the floor of our car, you could see the ground.

D'SOUZA: Yes. So, when came to America I was stunned by the abundance of ordinary life. The rich guys lived well everywhere. But I was struck of how good the ordinary fellow has it in America. And then I was also struck by the goodness and idealism of the American people. Even when they fell short they always wanted to do better.

And then I saw this sort of ferocious leftist critique of America. And I'm like -- I might have expected to come from a Venezuelan despot Iranian Mullah or some soviet apparatchik, but no, it's coming from some of our most intelligent people in America on the American campus. And then over the years I see this critique metastasize out of the campus, into Hollywood, into the media and then I think into the corridors of the government. So, we're seeing what we call it the shaming of America, and attack on America. It's completely wrong-headed. And what we do in this film is we give plenty of space to the attack. You can hear it.

KELLY: Unlike Michael Moore, you actually let the other side have it say and people got to hear both arguments.

D'SOUZA: We've done screenings where one woman, "I'm shaking with rage," and she almost walked out because she thought it was Michael Moore film. But of course after laying out the critique, we turn around and systematically decimate it, we rebutted point by point, so we want to equip Americans with a deeper understanding of why this country has meant so much to the world.

KELLY: Uh-hm. It's interesting to watch because we've heard so many of those arguments although not as in your face from the left in recent days. I mean, in particular about capitalism and you include a lot of Elizabeth Warren in there, that you didn't build that and how we need to rely on Uncle Sam. And the critics of that argument has said, that they are infantilizing a nation.

D'SOUZA: You know, let's begin with Abraham Lincoln who mentioned earlier. You know, slavery which is often used as a sort of central indictment against America. But slavery existed all over the world. Slavery in India, slavery in China, slavery in Egypt, slavery all over Africa. American-Indians had slaves long before Columbia's got here. So, what's uniquely western is the abolition of slavery. There's no history --

KELLY: It's not like we dreamt it up and started doing it on our own.

D'SOUZA: We're the only country that fought a great war to end it and that's when Lincoln comes in. Because 300,000 northern whites died to secure for the slaves the freedom that the slaves could not have won for themselves.

The Dinesh D'Souza's newer film, whose full title is "America: Imagine the World Without Her", is amazing and should be supported by all legal Americans!

What would the world look like without America? D'Souza's diligently makes the moral case for capitalism in his new film, America. Also the ignorant obama voters should recognize the Human suffering in a Communist, Socialist or Marxist regime knows no comparison.

Human suffering under Real Capitalism can't be compared to Communism, Socialism or Marxism, which are the favorites of the Left Wingers. Obama is a so-called legal American who is destroying our Country while Dinesh D'Souza is an immigrant and loves America. We say to the Democrats, you are responsible for allowing this Tyrant to crush America.

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