Showing posts with label Navy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navy. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

An open letter with all due respect to President 
As you are the duly-elected President of all 50 of the United States of America and its citizens of all races, creeds & colors and Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces comprised of brave men & women of all races, creeds & colors, I have a question to put to you:
Exactly when might we expect to hear you proclaim the same kind of respect and the same passionate dedication to honoring and protecting the rights of Christians and Jews in this nation as you have so boldly and so frequently declared your allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood here in the United states and the followers of Islam all around the world?
We understand that you don’t care much for The Constitution that places limits on the powers of central government however, if the First Amendment that guarantees Free Speech to all citizens of the United States of America works for you Mr. President, shouldn’t it work for Pamela Geller and her Muhammud Cartoon Contest?  Or, is Free Speech limited to followers of Islam who have sworn to replace the U. S. Government with a Caliphate and The U.S. Constitution with Shariah?
I, along with many loyal American patriots, await with great interest the courtesy of your reply.    
 MORT KUFF  © 5-10-2015
 U. S. Navy WWII, Boynton Beach, FL

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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Join Gary Sinise as We Honor Our Veterans

Dear Fellow American,

We give thanks to all who have served our country.

We truly appreciate your service and hope you'll keep Stop Marxism in mind for Conservative News and Stopping the Anti-American Left and Marxism.

Happy Memorial Day!

A message below from Gary Sinise and The American Veterans Center.

Memorial Day is quickly approaching, and to most Americans, this means the beginning of summer. In reality, it's the one day of the year we dedicate to remembering those who gave all to protect the freedoms we cherish. As you plan your first barbecue of the season and prepare for the warm weather, I urge you to keep in mind the real reason we celebrate Memorial Day: to pay tribute to America's veterans and fallen soldiers.

I remember the way our Vietnam Veterans were treated upon returning home. It was a difficult time in our country's history and we must do all we can to make sure that when our men and women are sent to war they are never again forced into the shadows and treated badly, as our returning Vietnam Veterans were. That's one of the reasons I am so active in the veterans' community and today serve as Honorary Grand Marshal of The American Veterans Center's National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, DC. I'm writing today because this year's parade is our first public opportunity to honor our newest generation of veterans, the young men and women who bravely served in Iraq, sacrificing family relationships, jobs, and economic stability to go off and fight for our country.

Will you join me in paying tribute to our Iraq War veterans and all of America's veterans and active duty service members by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade on May 28? You can't come all the way to Washington, DC, you say? You don't have to travel to take part in this special tribute, because we're holding a virtual parade online! Follow this link below, select your avatar and join thousands of patriots across our nation to honor America's veterans from the Revolutionary War up to the Iraq War.

After you complete your registration, please make a generous tax-deductible contribution to support the American Veterans Center's efforts throughout the year, including events for wounded veterans at Walter Reed/Bethesda Naval Hospital, programs to educate our youth about the history of America's veterans and their legacy, and the publication of American Valor Quarterly.

Freedom isn't free, but for nearly 70 years, Washington, DC, was without a parade on our Armed Services' most sacred day. In 2005, the American Veterans Center revived the tradition of a Memorial Day parade in our nation's capital, and today it serves two vital civic purposes: to give the general public the opportunity to honor our service members and pay tribute to our veterans, while allowing active duty troops, veterans, and re-enactors showcase the sacrifice of all our veterans in an exciting procession of American history the whole family can enjoy.

Whether you live in the Washington Metro Area and plan to attend this year's parade or you live as far away as Hawaii or Alaska, I encourage you to join us on May 28, 2012, to honor America's veterans, including the 4,487 American service members who gave their lives in the Iraq War.

Please follow this link to register for the virtual Memorial Day parade and join thousands of veterans, active duty troops and civilians across America to pay tribute to our veterans. Then please make the most generous, tax-deductible contribution you can afford to the American Veterans Center to support the parade and our activities throughout the year.

With your support and participation in the virtual parade, we'll promote our veterans' legacy, remember those who gave all, and preserve their sacrifices. Thank you in advance.


Gary Sinise Honorary Grand Marshal, National Memorial Day Parade

P.S. Celebrate Memorial Day 2012 and honor America's veterans and active duty troops by marching in the National Memorial Day Parade online, After you register for the virtual parade, I hope you'll make a generous tax-deductible contribution to support the efforts of the American Veterans Center.

Please follow this link to register for the virtual Memorial Day parade

The mission of The American Veterans Center is to preserve the legacy of our veterans and part of the mission is accomplished by communicating the sacrifice that our veterans have made to the public, and in particular, to younger generations.

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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Marxists Ideas Fuel Obama Campaign

Well, it seems that Barack Obama forgot to look backwards before looking at “forward” as his new campaign slogan. The Soetoro Regime's new slogan, ‘Forward’, is eerily reminiscent to that of numerous Marxist - Socialist European campaigns of yesteryear. Is anyone at all concerned that our President is basing his campaign theme on past admins that killed tens of millions of people?

“What a bizarre coincidence,” Glenn Beck said sarcastically. “Apparently many communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name forward. The word ‘forward’ carries a special meaning in the socialist political terminology. It had been frequently used as a name for socialist, communist and other left wing newspapers and publications. The slogan forward reflected the conviction of European Marxists and radicals – that their movements reflected the march of history which would move forward past capitalism into socialism and communism.”

Pat sarcastically joked about the odds that the Obama campaign would find itself using a Marxist or communist buzzword as its campaign slogan. He noted that this is just like the video he did called ‘The Road We’ve Traveled,’ which was just like The Road We’re Traveling.

Glenn pointed out that The Road We’re Traveling was written by the guy who named The New Deal. He described ‘political system x,’ which he said some call communism or fascism, as a utopian form of government the road we are on now is leading us towards.

Navy SEALs Slam Obama For Making It Political

Serving and former US Navy SEALs have slammed President Barack Obama for taking the credit for killing Osama bin Laden and accused him of using Special Forces operators as ‘ammunition’ for his re-election campaign.

We should all remember how Barry Soetoro called our Troops the most despicable names. Barry mentioned that he felt the Navy Seals were just hitmen for Cheney. Amy Man or Woman who wore the Uniform should feel a deep pain that Marxist Barry is in charge.

President Obama, the American Civil Liberties Union, and liberal Members of Congress have united to advance a new component of the pro-homosexual agenda that will impact every public school student in America.

Freedom From Union Violence Act Introduced

"The Supreme Court put a lid on this 35 years ago," the union lawyer sneered, in defense of one of 10 former International Union of Operating Engineers Local 17 union officers and militants on trial.

The allegations include "causing $330,000 damage by pouring sand into the engines of construction vehicles, stabbing a construction company owner in the neck, and throwing scaldingly hot coffee at construction workers," according to the Buffalo News.

But the perpetrators just might get away with it.

You see, union bosses consider themselves above the law -- because they are -- thanks to the notorious Supreme Court Enmons decision.

The fact is, for decades union bosses and their underlings have committed thousands of reported incidents of violence, extortion, vandalism and even murder.

And in most of these cases these vicious acts of violence and intimidation have not even been investigated, much less prosecuted and punished.

Ever since the Supreme Court's infamous 1973 Enmons decision, union bosses have been granted immunity from prosecution for acts of violence and vandalism they orchestrate in the so-called "pursuit of legitimate union objectives."

This outrageous loophole in federal law has effectively tied the hands of federal law enforcement officers and has permitted union bosses and their handpicked "enforcers" to achieve their union goals – by any means necessary.

And, it's no secret union bosses are all too happy to use violence and terror to achieve their number one goal: force more and more working men and women into paying union dues.

You and I need to make sure union bosses and their henchmen are subject to the same laws as every other lowlife and criminal.

That's why the Freedom From Union Violence Act must be a top priority in Congress.
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