Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label USA. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

MORT’s meanderings


Former President Barack Hussein Obama: Islam First
President Donald J. Trump: The USA first 


                                 © MORT KUFF 12-31-2017

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Sunday, October 25, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

This President cannot be trusted to either protect or defend this nation.

Sadly, quite the opposite is true. It has long since passed the time when Barack Hussein Obama should have acknowledged publicly, that the number one mortal enemy of our traditional American way of life, is ISLAM.  Clueless, careless, something-for-nothing Democrats who slavishly go along with this all-talk-no-action president, will never admit their misguided loyalty to Obama – they will never come out of the closet.  So, do not expect or count on a change of heart from them.  You might as well bark at the moon.
Hence, it is up to American patriots who love this nation as it was conceived, to stop this nonsense.  All Republican presidential candidates should bond together in order to speak with one voice in denouncing ISLAM as the mortal enemy of the United States.  To do anything less, is to invite more and more insurgence and thus, to continue to weaken our national resolve to retain our position of dominance among nation – and to destroy our resolve to remain an independent people, living in Liberty and enjoying our individual freedoms.  This President cannot be trusted to either protect or defend this nation. That is an undeniable fact.

This President has proven time and time again that he is on the side of Islamist forces of evil and will under no circumstances, ever lift a finger against them.  Nor, is he willing to even pay lip service to defending our founding document, The Constitution of the United States.  This, despite his having sworn a sacred oath to do so as a U. S. Senator and twice, as the President of the United States.  What the hell kind of president is that?  Who does he represent?

He has proven that he will not defend this nation’s citizenry against hostile forces.  He has proven that he cares nothing about the security of our borders.  He has proven in every action that what he really wants is to garner millions of potential Democrat voters as he has blatantly facilitated the flood of unlimited hordes of illegals to freely cross our Southern border.  He has proven that he intends to weaken us militarily until we are totally incapable of defending the sovereignty of our homeland, our families and ourselves.

He has proven that he has no compunction about lying through his teeth, regarding the character of our relationship with former allies – specifically, Great Britain and Israel.  He says one thing but means another.  His claims of loyal relationships with allies in the Middle East and elsewhere are figments of his wishful thinking – they do not exist.  He has bowed to our sworn enemies, despots who openly deny our right to exist on Earth and daily shout, “Death to America”.  He has prostituted himself and has blasphemed our sacred honor and our national security to the most evil enemies existing on the face of this Earth, today.  Worse, he has secretly negotiated the surrender of our nation and its people solely, to create a false legacy for himself.  There is no evidence, credible or otherwise, to support a logical case to the contrary.      MORT KUFF  © 10-3-2015

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

MORT’s meanderings

An open letter with all due respect to President 
As you are the duly-elected President of all 50 of the United States of America and its citizens of all races, creeds & colors and Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces comprised of brave men & women of all races, creeds & colors, I have a question to put to you:
Exactly when might we expect to hear you proclaim the same kind of respect and the same passionate dedication to honoring and protecting the rights of Christians and Jews in this nation as you have so boldly and so frequently declared your allegiance to the Muslim Brotherhood here in the United states and the followers of Islam all around the world?
We understand that you don’t care much for The Constitution that places limits on the powers of central government however, if the First Amendment that guarantees Free Speech to all citizens of the United States of America works for you Mr. President, shouldn’t it work for Pamela Geller and her Muhammud Cartoon Contest?  Or, is Free Speech limited to followers of Islam who have sworn to replace the U. S. Government with a Caliphate and The U.S. Constitution with Shariah?
I, along with many loyal American patriots, await with great interest the courtesy of your reply.    
 MORT KUFF  © 5-10-2015
 U. S. Navy WWII, Boynton Beach, FL

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