Showing posts with label cnn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cnn. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


This one is a little different.... Two Different Versions ... Two Different Morals


The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.


Be responsible for yourself!


The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks the antis a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving..

Lowlifes at CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast.

How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?

Kermit the Frog appears on with disgusting Oprah with the grasshopper
and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not EasyBeing Green ...'

Occupy the Anthill stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the SEIU group singing, We shall overcome.

Then racist Rev Al Sharpton's assistant has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper
while he damns the ants. The Reverend Al can not attend as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that rich people do not care.

President Barry Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight….

Nancy Pelosi and; Harry Reid exclaim in an interview on The View
that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper ,
and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.

Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of the summer.

The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper .

The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.

The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.

The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken
over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood.

The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.


Be careful how you vote in 2014 and 2016. Remember that the dirtbag Democrats support BHO as he punishes America and crushes the Middle class and destroys the working poor.

You are reading this because I believe that you are an ant not a grasshopper !

Make sure that you pass this on to other ants .

Don't bother sending it on to any grasshoppers because they wouldn't
understand it, anyway

Hat tip to Mr. I 

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Vile CNN is Censoring Pro-Gun Views

The liberal media's relentless assault on conservative values and our constitutional rights has reached fever pitch.

CNN, the self-avowed neutral news outlet, is leading the liberal media's anti-Second Amendment crusade and censoring conservative opposition to radical gun control measures.

On the one-month anniversary of the horrific Newtown shooting, CNN invited THIRTEEN anti-gun rights advocates and only TWO pro-gun rights guests on to discuss the issue.  

This hard evidence confirms CNN's undeniable anti-gun bias and they must be held accountable for their partisan agenda.

Please take a moment to contact the office of Janelle Rodriguez, CNN's Vice-President of Programming by phone at (404) 827-5681 or by email at, and tell her to stop censoring the views of pro-gun rights Americans.  

As President Obama was finalizing his liberal anti-gun agenda, his fanatically loyal propagandists in the national "news" media have been working overtime to demand the American public accept anything he proposes - no matter how extreme or impractical - while censoring the truth about the Left's radical anti-gun agenda.  

CNN is leading the charge in this campaign and we must hold them accountable.

Let Janelle Rodriguez know that you won't stand for CNN's blatant anti-gun lobbying. 

Thank you for standing up to the left-wing bullies in the "news" media and please forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to contact Janelle Rodriguez to demand objective reporting. 

P.S.  After you contact Janelle Rodriguez, please chip in a tax-deductible contribution so MRC can continue to battle the so-called "news" media's attempts to censor the news.

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vile NBC producer Fired Finally over Screwing Up Zimmerman 911 Call

The Cowards in the Media- Supporting - Marxists keep trucking along. They use their own racist beliefs to determine other Non-Black Americans are guilty. All of the Liars in the MSM who promote Barry and Racism are despicable. If the Guy, Zimmerman was getting beaten on, was he right to shoot Trayvon? I don’t know all the facts but I will not hang this Guy like many Americans did with the Duke Lacrosse Players.
How many Liberals are the first to say “hang him” when they are the Victim of crime. Yet if others are a Victim of Crime, Left Wing Liberals want to do an Eric Holder, let People off.

I am not saying Trayvon should have been shot but he was the first to tell People that he, himself was a Gangsta. His messages on twitter and the possible stolen jewelry on Martin at school does not mean he should be shot either. Yet if your Mom, Sister or Wife had their jewelry stolen, what would you think?

NBC News has fired a producer for editing a recording of George Zimmerman's call to police the night of Trayvon Martin being shot. The MSM Cowards are not authorized to talk about the situation publicly and spoke on the condition of anonymity. The identity of the producer was not disclosed. Yet everyone, including Spike Lee, knows George Zimmerman’s name. This NBC Lowlife has purposely installed their Racist actions into this boiling pot of water. Would the New Black panthers have a $10,000 BOUNTY on Zimmerman had it not been for vile MSM Leftists cutting and pasting their agenda?

The dirtbag producer's dismissal followed an internal investigation that led to NBC apologizing for having aired the misleading audio. Did they apologize to President Bush or America for their other lies???

The idiots at NBC's "Today" show first aired the edited version of Zimmerman's call on March 27. The recording viewers heard was trimmed to suggest that Zimmerman volunteered to police, with no prompting, that Martin was black: "This guy looks like he's up to no good. He looks black."

But the portion of the tape that was deleted had the 911 dispatcher asking Zimmerman if the person who had raised his suspicion was "black, white or Hispanic," to which Zimmerman responded, "He looks black."

Zimmerman told police he fired in self-defense after Martin attacked him.
The Left Wing lowlifes who promote Rev. Wright, Barry Soetoro and Al Sharpton questioned whether Zimmerman was racially profiling the teen, a theory that was forced down our throats with the phony, edited version of the tape.

On Tuesday, NBC said its investigation turned up "an error made in the production process that we deeply regret." It promised that "necessary steps" would be taken "to prevent this from happening in the future" and apologized to viewers. The Liberals in the MSM will not stop, don’t take my word, just watch them. They will lie about Rush and promote Jesse Jackson, lie about sarah Palin and promote nazi Pelosi.

It just amazes me just how many people are still taken in by Obama and the hacks in the MSM. How can anyone defend these pieces of garbage in the News Media? They hate America and many Americans tune into these clowns like they are messiahs.


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