Showing posts with label mooch-elle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mooch-elle. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

MORT’s meanderings


Would Michelle and Barack allow any
of the Syrian refugees to babysit
for Sasha & Malia?
                                                                                 Hmmm?  Just axxin’.
                                                                                                  MORT KUFF   © 4-22-2016

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pamela Geller Rips Lowlife Michael Ghouse on Morsi Egypt Situation on Hannity Show

New York - Watch the sparks fly in this Youtube Video of Pamela Geller speaking about the current situation in Egypt with scumbag Mike Ghouse on the Sean Hannity Show. The brilliant Pamela Geller demanded an apology from dirtbag Ghouse regarding previous false accusations with a signage incident in the NY Subway system.

We see that conservatives Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller have recently been banned from entering Britain because they are courageous enough to speak the truth about the vile Islamic jihad against the West.

As in true Politically Correct fashion the once strong Britain has allowed real supporters of terrorism come in and talk about killing Jews and Infidels.

Pamela Geller is a real hero not the coward Hillary or this MOOCH Elle character that is the so-called First Lady.

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Skin Color Politics Have Destroyed The Message of Martin Luther King Jr.

America owes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. an apology for allowing his message to be hijacked and reversed. Wild Bill for America does another terrific Video.

Now there is this arrogant MOOCH Elle obama in Africa and she includes herself in the same sentence as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and it is disgusting.

This MOOCH Elle obama speaks and what comes to mind is this Rachael Jenteal, the racist buddy of Trayvon Martin. Mooch elle goes on about her Dad paying for her college education yet she never thanks the hard working white tax payers who paid for her. How about all the hard working white tax payers who pay for her countless trips across the world? Mooch elle despise the average American tax payer and she is in Barry's ear to punish America as much as possible.

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