Showing posts with label violent-liberals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violent-liberals. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Obama and Democrat Racism Against Whites Is In Your Face

An informative article from

Black Principal Promotes Tutoring for Colored Only Students

Andre Pearson is the principal of Mission Viejo Elementary School in Aurora, Colorado. In an effort to help students struggling with various subjects, he started an after school tutoring program. Like any good principal, Pearson sent a letter home to parents to inform them of the new tutoring program.

Unlike most principals, Pearson’s letter contained a bold statement of racial discrimination, only this time it discriminated against white students. On the first line of the letter, it stated that the tutoring program was for ‘Students of Color.’ By the way, Pearson is black.

When the letter hit the homes of a number of white parents, they became upset, offended and outraged. One such parent, Nicole Cox, whose daughter could use the tutoring, told the local news:

“I was infuriated. I didn’t understand why they would include or exclude certain groups. We have come so far in all of these years to show everybody that everyone is equal, that everyone should be treated equally … this is a form of bullying.”

Before she could complain to the school, Cox received a voice message from Pearson, explaining the program, but his message only added fuel to the fire. His message stated:

“This is Andre Pearson. It’s focused for and designed for children of color, but certainly, if we have space for other kids who have needs, we can definitely meet those needs.”

He admits that the program was designed for non-white kids, but to make things worse, he said that IF they have space for other kids, then they will meet those needs. So what are parents like Nicole Cox supposed to do if they don’t have space for other kids?

If a white principal sent out a letter stating that the tutoring program was for all students except those of color, you’d find Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson camped on his front door hollering racial discrimination and demanding he be fired. They would be talking to every news station between Denver to Washington, villainizing the white principal. But where are all of the people like Sharpton and Jackson who are fighting against discrimination of any kind? Who is shouting to the media that this black principal is discriminating against white students?

When any discrimination is even just perceived against a black person, the radical racists come out of the woodwork like ants at a picnic. But when it is a black that is discriminating against whites, it may hit the local news with a few angry white parents, but it soon dies and goes away. Hardly anyone outside the Aurora area will even hear about it.

Such is the inequality of American society.

Thanks to the

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Democrats Say Kill Gun Owners and Behead Wealthy

What does a peace loving and peace abdicating columnist resort to when he gets really angry? Yes the Liberals have a proclivity for Violence. Liberals love to talk about raping, beating and killing anyone who is a regular Joe.

Peace Loving Columnist Says Kill Gun Owners if Necessary and Drag Legislators Behind Pickup Trucks

Donald Kaul has been a columnist for nearly 50 years and was even nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for his journalist prowess. He is known for his left-winged liberal views and has written against many conservative ideas like gun ownership and constitutional things like that.

Last summer, Kaul suffered a heart attack and retired from his weekly posting at However, the events following the Sandy Hook massacre have brought Kaul’s pen out of retirement long enough to write an opinion for the Des Moines Register. Known as an anti-gun peace loving sort of chap, Kaul spoke out about the violence and the gun control dialog that followed.

He wrote in part:

“Here, then, is my “madder-than-hell-and-I’m-not-going-to-take-it-anymore” program for ending gun violence in America:

• Repeal the Second Amendment, the part about guns anyway. It’s badly written, confusing and more trouble than it’s worth. It offers an absolute right to gun ownership, but it puts it in the context of the need for a “well-regulated militia.” We don’t make our militia bring their own guns to battles. And surely the Founders couldn’t have envisioned weapons like those used in the Newtown shooting when they guaranteed gun rights. Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.

• Declare the NRA a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. Hey! We did it to the Communist Party, and the NRA has led to the deaths of more of us than American Commies ever did. (I would also raze the organization’s headquarters, clear the rubble and salt the earth, but that’s optional.) Make ownership of unlicensed assault rifles a felony. If some people refused to give up their guns, that “prying the guns from their cold, dead hands” thing works for me.

• Then I would tie Mitch McConnell and John Boehner, our esteemed Republican leaders, to the back of a Chevy pickup truck and drag them around a parking lot until they saw the light on gun control.”

I love how so many anti-gun people turn to guns when it fits them and to violence as bad if not worse than what they claim to abhor. Obama is anti-gun, but is protected by guns everywhere he goes. His kids attend a school with at least 11 armed guards. The Journal News in New York is so anti-gun that they post an interactive map of all pistol permit owners in 2 New York counties, but when they feel threatened, they immediately hire armed security guards.

Read more:

Ad you see the Left wing, Democrats, Progressives always resort back to their KKK days and promote hanging and dragging behind trucks. Why on earth do so many Black People and Jews support Democrats. If obama and democrats had their way, most Americans would be back in chains. Remember Obama's Muslim family SOLD SLAVES. Barry Soetoro Obama has the radical Muslin roots and that is dangerous to America.

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Monday, December 31, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Doctor Arrested With Bomb Making Chemicals And Many Weapons

If this person was a Tea Party Member this story would be front-page news. Lowly Ann Curry, idiot Matt Lauer and racist Sam Donaldson would be blasting this to all the Obama supporters who listen to the Vile MSM.

Despicable Morgan Gliedman, 27, and scumbag Aaron Greene, 31, were taken away from their home in Manhattan's pricey Greenwich Village on Saturday. Liberals have a proclivity for violence.

The ugly and vile Gliedman, who is nine months pregnant, is the daughter of a top Brooklyn cancer doctor and was educated at the Dalton School, an exclusive New York prep school attended by the likes of Anderson Cooper and Claire Danes.

Dirtbag Greene went to Harvard University for his undergraduate degree and did graduate work at the Kennedy School of Government there, as well. Isn’t Harvard still hiding the records of barry soetoro?

Below portion from the Citizen Journalist:

Police have arrested a 60 year old unemployed doctor, Roberto Rivera, after finding a large quantity of chemicals used in bomb making after they conducted a raid on his home in Ridgewood, New Jersey. The search of Rivera’s home on Friday night also revealed a number of assault rifles and other weapons

Rivera was charged with second degree recklessly creating a risk of widespread injury or damage; fourth degree failure to mitigate against recklessly creating a risk of widespread injury or damage; third degree unlawful possession of a destructive device; fourth degree unlawful possession of a stun gun; fourth degree unlawful possession of a large capacity ammunition magazine; and second degree unlawful possession of an assault firearm. His bail has been set at $1 million dollars.

Let's add this to the huge Occupy Wall Street's Rap Sheet

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