Showing posts with label wimpy-soetoro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wimpy-soetoro. Show all posts

Monday, August 5, 2013

Hang your hat on another scandal

Taking time out from his visit to Goree Island, Senegal,
where Islamic Arab slave traders boarded human flesh in
slave houses, until they could be loaded in chains on slave
ships, to be shipped out to America and the Caribbean from
1593, President Obama took time out during the phony
business trip to Africa, to defray his one hundred million
dollar vacation, to comment on Edward Snowden. 

He said he won't be scrambling military jets for a 29 
year old hacker!

We shouldn't expect him to do so if he didn't to save four
American lives in Benghazi.....or am I wrong?

The President never does what he should, but always does
what he shouldn't!

Conservative commentary by George Giftos

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Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Define Crazy

I conclude radical Islamists are insane. Murder is not a
rational act. You have to believe the average jihadist's
intelligence is 20% below a moron's I.Q., when they
believe that by forfeiting their life performing evil will
give them 72 virgins in heaven can't possibly be all there

This has to be considered when dealing with terrorism. A
term the present administration refuses to recognize. They
prefer to view them as abused, misunderstood, suppressed
people with legitimate grievance.

Have you ever tried dealing with an irrational moron? It's
impossible! I've heard, "never argue with an ignorant
person, because you can never win!" This is why negotiating
with rogue middle east tyrants is futile.

We cannot afford to have another Neville Chamberlain like in
our President.

By George Giftos
Click to read George Giftos at Canada Free Press HERE

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