Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Wait for another shoe to drop
President Barack Obama's administration is stressing out knowledgeable Americans
when you consider the clumsiness of his operational skills. It's like putting him in the
cockpit of a sophisticated fighter jet when all the previous experiences he had was
running a lawn mower.
I don't know where to begin, because he and his chosen cabinet and staff have made
too many gaffs to list or remember.
Backing green energy financial failures like bankrupt Solyndra. The blunder of arms deals
known as "Fast and Furious." Untethered NSA (National Security Agency).
Illegal targeting conservative organizations and companies to deny them tax exemptions.
Stonewalling the attempt to get answers about mishandling the Benghazi tragedy, or the
where about of lead principals of responsibility...the President and Secretary of State.
A five year pending promise to fix the problems with the Veterans Administration.
The legal prison break of 36000 illegal criminal immigrants by Obama's Department of
Homeland Security, to direct Immigration and Customs Enforcement to open the gates.
Obama's benevolence toward the Muslim Brotherhood.
And playing second banana to Vladimir Putin on the world stage.
Some of the above might not have happened, or occurring to a lesser degree, if the President
wasn't so detached, and exert so much effort and resources on his "Affordable Care Act."
It was put together by politicos who dismantled the medical profession in order to overhaul
it; but it turns out they knew little about how to put it back into working order. Millions
added to our over seventeen and a half trillion dollar debt have been wasted with cost
over-runs, by engaging foreign technologists in its chaotic implementation.
Wait for another shoe to drop is only a matter of time.
Postscript to the above:
No sooner ending my column when three more shoes were dropped.
Carelessly leaking the name of the CIA station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan. Bypassing
Congress and required 30 day notification law, releasing five of the most notorious
terrorists from Guantanamo, in a swap to free alleged deserter Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.
By George Giftos
Friday, August 22, 2014
What if 20 Million Illegal Aliens Vacated America?
The financial impact of Illegal Aliens to this country's economy is devastating!
Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament".
I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, "illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What Happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?" Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?
Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, "Mexican Visitor's Lament".
I interviewed Mexican journalist Evangelina Hernandez while visiting Denver last week. Hernandez said, "illegal aliens pay rent, buy groceries, buy clothes. What Happens to your country's economy if 20 million people go away?" Hmmm, I thought, what would happen?
So I did my due diligence, buried my nose as a reporter into the FACTS I found below.
It's a good question it
deserves an honest answer. Over 80% of Americans demand secured borders
and illegal migration stopped. But what would happen if all 20 million
or more vacated America ? The answers I found may surprise you!
In California ,
if 3.5 million illegal aliens moved back to Mexico, it would leave an
extra $10.2 billion to spend on overloaded school systems, bankrupt
hospitals and overrun prisons. It would leave highways cleaner, safer
and less congested. Everyone could understand one another as English
became the dominant language again.
In Colorado ,
500,000 illegal migrants, plus their 300,000 kids and grandchildren
would move back 'home', mostly to Mexico . That would save Colorado an
estimated $2 billion (other experts say $7 billion) annually in taxes
that pay for schooling, medical, social-services and incarceration
costs. It means 12,000 gang members would vanish out of Denver alone.
would save more than $20 million in prison costs, and the terror that
those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens. Denver Officer Don
Young and hundreds of Colorado victims would not have suffered death,
accidents, rapes and other crimes by illegals.
Denver Public Schools would
not suffer a 67% dropout/flunk rate because of thousands of illegal
alien students speaking 41different languages.. At least 200,000
vehicles would vanish from our grid locked cities in Colorado . Denver
's 4% unemployment rate would vanish as our working poor would gain jobs
at a living wage.
In Florida , 1.5 million illegals would return the Sunshine State back to America , the rule of law, and English.
In Chicago, Illinois
, 2.1 million illegals would free up hospitals, schools, prisons and
highways for a safer, cleaner and more crime-free experience.
If 20 million illegal aliens returned 'home', the U.S. Economy would return to the rule of law. Employers
would hire legal American citizens at a living wage. Everyone would
pay their fair share of taxes because they wouldn't be working off the
books. That would result in an additional $401 Billion in IRS income
taxes collected annually, and an equal amount for local, state and city
No more push '1' for Spanish or '2' for English. No
more confusion in American schools that now must contend with over 100
languages that degrade the educational system for American kids. Our
overcrowded schools would lose more than two million illegal alien kids
at a cost of billions in ESL and free breakfasts and lunches.
We would lose 500,000 illegal criminal alien inmates at
a cost of more than $1.6 billion annually. That includes 15,000 MS-13
gang members who distribute $130 billion in drugs annually would vacate
our country.
In cities like L.A.
, 20,000 members of the ' 18th Street Gang' would vanish from our
nation. No more Mexican forgery gangs for ID theft from Americans! No
more foreign rapists and child molesters!
Losing more than 20 million people would clear up our crowded highways and gridlock. Cleaner air and less drinking and driving American deaths by illegal aliens!
America 's economy is drained. Taxpayers
are harmed. Employers get rich. Over $80 billion annually wouldn't
return to the aliens' home countries by cash transfers. Illegal migrants
earned half that money untaxed, which further drains America 's economy
which currently suffers an $8.7 trillion debt. $8.7 trillion debt!!
At least 400,000 anchor babies would not be born in our country,
costing us $109 billion per year per cycle. At least 86 hospitals in
California , Georgia and Florida would still be operating instead of
being bankrupt out of existence because illegals pay nothing via the
Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country-brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.
Americans wouldn't suffer thousands of TB and hepatitis cases rampant in our country-brought in by illegals unscreened at our borders.
Our cities would see 20 million less people driving, polluting and grid locking our cities. It would also put the 'progressives' on the horns of a dilemma; illegal aliens and their families cause 11% of our greenhouse gases.
Over one million of
Mexico's poorest citizens now live inside and along our border from
Brownsville, Texas to San Diego, California in what the New York Times
called, 'colonias' or new neighborhoods. Trouble is, those living areas
resemble Bombay and Calcutta where grinding poverty, filth, diseases,
drugs, crimes, no sanitation and worse.They live without sewage, clean
water, streets, roads, electricity, or any kind of sanitation.
The New York Times reported them to be America's new ' Third World ' inside our own country. Within
20 years, at their current growth rate, they expect 20 million
residents of those colonias. (I've seen them personally in Texas and
Arizona ; it's sickening beyond anything you can imagine.)
By enforcing our laws,
we could repatriate them back to Mexico . We should invite 20 million
aliens to go home, fix their own countries and/or make a better life in
Mexico . We already invite a million people into our country legally
more than all other countries combined annually. We cannot and must not
allow anarchy at our borders, more anarchy within our borders and
growing lawlessness at every level in our nation.
It's time to stand up for our country, our culture, our civilization and our way of life Interesting Statistics!
Here are 13 reasons
illegal aliens should vacate America, and I hope they are forwarded over
and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets
sick of reading them:
1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens. (that's Billion with a 'B')
2. $7.5 billion dollars are spent each year on Medicaid for illegal aliens. http://www.cis.org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English!http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
4. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
5. $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. That's $1.2 Billion a year. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
6. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
7. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0610/29/ldt.01.html
8. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
9. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US . http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANscriptS/0606/12/ldt.01.html
10. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.Over 10,000 of those were middle-easternterrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, Guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.
11. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period and nbsp;
12. In 2006, illegal aliens sent home $65 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin, to their families and friends. http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
13. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States!
Total Cost: A whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! If this doesn't bother YOU, then you must be on drugs. Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know.
1. $14 billion to $22 billion dollars are spent each year on welfare to illegal aliens. (that's Billion with a 'B')
3. $12 billion dollars are spent each year on primary and secondary school education for children here illegally and they still cannot speak a word of English!http://transcripts.
4. $27 billion dollars are spent each year for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies. http://transcripts.cnn.com/
5. $3 Million Dollars 'PER DAY' is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. That's $1.2 Billion a year. http://transcripts.cnn.com/
6. 28% percent of all federal prison inmates are illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/
7. $190 billion dollars are spent each year on illegal aliens for welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. http://transcripts.cnn.com/
8. $200 billion dollars per year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. http://transcripts.cnn.com/
9. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US . http://transcripts.cnn.com/
10. During the year 2005, there were 8 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our southern border with as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from other terrorist countries.Over 10,000 of those were middle-easternterrorists. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin, crack, Guns, and marijuana crossed into the U.S. from the southern border.
11. The National Policy Institute, estimates that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion, or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period and nbsp;
13. The dark side of illegal immigration: Nearly one million sex crimes are committed by illegal immigrants in the United States!
Total Cost: A whopping $538.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR! If this doesn't bother YOU, then you must be on drugs. Otherwise, forward this to everyone YOU know.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Megyn Kelly with Dinesh D'Souza's Inside look at the film 'America'
This is some of the transcript from "The Kelly File," from July 3, 2014 on FOX News.
MEGYN KELLY, HOST: Abraham Lincoln plays a big role in this telling of the story of "America." And this film serves as a follow-up to Dinesh D'Souza's project "2016: Obama's America." That film became the second most popular political documentary in history. When D'Souza set out to make this movie, he set his goal was to challenge the quote "leftist progressive critique" of America.
Joining me now, Dinesh D'Souza. Dinesh, congratulations on the film.
KELLY: Why was it important for you to make this? You grew up in India.
D'SOUZA: I grew up in a different world, actually a world without America, and although I grew up in a middle-class family in India, I grew up without a phone, without television, without hot water, we had a car but if you looked down the floor of our car, you could see the ground.
D'SOUZA: Yes. So, when came to America I was stunned by the abundance of ordinary life. The rich guys lived well everywhere. But I was struck of how good the ordinary fellow has it in America. And then I was also struck by the goodness and idealism of the American people. Even when they fell short they always wanted to do better.
And then I saw this sort of ferocious leftist critique of America. And I'm like -- I might have expected to come from a Venezuelan despot Iranian Mullah or some soviet apparatchik, but no, it's coming from some of our most intelligent people in America on the American campus. And then over the years I see this critique metastasize out of the campus, into Hollywood, into the media and then I think into the corridors of the government. So, we're seeing what we call it the shaming of America, and attack on America. It's completely wrong-headed. And what we do in this film is we give plenty of space to the attack. You can hear it.
KELLY: Unlike Michael Moore, you actually let the other side have it say and people got to hear both arguments.
D'SOUZA: We've done screenings where one woman, "I'm shaking with rage," and she almost walked out because she thought it was Michael Moore film. But of course after laying out the critique, we turn around and systematically decimate it, we rebutted point by point, so we want to equip Americans with a deeper understanding of why this country has meant so much to the world.
KELLY: Uh-hm. It's interesting to watch because we've heard so many of those arguments although not as in your face from the left in recent days. I mean, in particular about capitalism and you include a lot of Elizabeth Warren in there, that you didn't build that and how we need to rely on Uncle Sam. And the critics of that argument has said, that they are infantilizing a nation.
D'SOUZA: You know, let's begin with Abraham Lincoln who mentioned earlier. You know, slavery which is often used as a sort of central indictment against America. But slavery existed all over the world. Slavery in India, slavery in China, slavery in Egypt, slavery all over Africa. American-Indians had slaves long before Columbia's got here. So, what's uniquely western is the abolition of slavery. There's no history --
KELLY: It's not like we dreamt it up and started doing it on our own.
D'SOUZA: We're the only country that fought a great war to end it and that's when Lincoln comes in. Because 300,000 northern whites died to secure for the slaves the freedom that the slaves could not have won for themselves.
The Dinesh D'Souza's newer film, whose full title is "America: Imagine the World Without Her", is amazing and should be supported by all legal Americans!
What would the world look like without America? D'Souza's diligently makes the moral case for capitalism in his new film, America. Also the ignorant obama voters should recognize the Human suffering in a Communist, Socialist or Marxist regime knows no comparison.
Human suffering under Real Capitalism can't be compared to Communism, Socialism or Marxism, which are the favorites of the Left Wingers. Obama is a so-called legal American who is destroying our Country while Dinesh D'Souza is an immigrant and loves America. We say to the Democrats, you are responsible for allowing this Tyrant to crush America.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza America Movie Trailer
Filmmaker Dinesh D'Souza has this New Trailer For: 2016: Obama's America
Dinesh Joseph D'Souza is a great political commentator, filmmaker, and author. D'Souza is affiliated with a number of conservative organizations and publications, including the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and Policy Review. He also served as a policy advisor to President Ronald Reagan and, during 2010–2012, as president of The King's College, a small Christian school in New York City.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Who is Ed Mezvinsky?
He is Edward "Ed" Mezvinsky, born January 17, 1937.
Then you’ll probably say, “Who is Ed Mezvinsky?”
he is a former Democrat congressman who represented Iowa's 1st
congressional district in the United States House of Representatives for
two terms, from 1973 to 1977.
He sat on the House Judiciary Committee that decided the fate of Richard Nixon.
He was outspoken saying that Nixon was a crook and a disgrace to politics and the
nation and should be impeached.
He and the Clintons were friends and very politically intertwined for many years.
Ed Mezvinsky had an affair with NBC News reporter Marjorie Sue Margolies and later married her after his wife divorced him.
In 1993, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky,
then a freshman Democrat in Congress, cast the deciding vote that got
President Bill Clinton’s controversial tax package through the House of
In March 2001, Mezvinsky was indicted and later pleaded guilty to 31 of 69 counts of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud.
Ed Mezvinsky embezzled more than $10
million dollars from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the notorious Nigerian e-mail scams.
He was found guilty and sentenced to 80 months in federal prison.
After serving less than five years in federal prison, he was released in April 2008 and remains on federal probation.
To this day, he still owes $9.4 million in
restitution to his victims.
About now you are saying, “So what!”
Well, this is Marc and Chelsea Mezvinsky.
That’s right; Ed Mezvinsky is Chelsea Clinton's father-in law.
Now Marc and Chelsea are in their early thirties and purchased a 10.5 million dollar NYC apartment.
Has anyone heard mention of any of this in any of the media?
If this guy was Jenna or Barbara Bush's, or better yet, Sarah Palin's daughter's father-in- law, the news would be an everyday headline and every detail would be reported over and over.
And yet liberals say there are no double standards in political reporting.
And people are already talking about Hillary as our next President!
And then there is possibly Chelsea for president in our future!
The cycle never ends!
Lying and corruption seem to make Democrat candidates more popular. Another scumbag Democrat: California state senator Leland Yee, gun grabber by day, alleged arms-trafficking gangsta by night: Yee made a decades-long career out of sanctimoniously demonizing gun owners and railing against the Second Amendment. He was arrested recently on corruption charges after an FBI sting found probable cause to believe Yee had conducted wire fraud and engaged in a conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. The pol from San Francisco’s Chinatown went so far as to discuss “details of the specific types of weapons” with a prospective donor. Until he dropped out, Yee was a candidate for California secretary of state.
When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.
~~Thomas Jefferson
Saturday, April 5, 2014
MORT's meanderings
Palestinians and their 'Right of Return'.
Quite obviously, the so-called Palestinians who are constantly screaming about their 'right of return' to the homeland they never owned, know nothing of the ancient 'Rules of Retail'.
Since they cannot produce sales slips, printed receipts or any other proof of ownership, the claims of the Johnny-come-lately- so-called-Palestinians are null, void & invalid. Their claims are treif phony baloney. It doesn't slice.
The Israelis on the other hand, can show architectural proof of ownership in the form of what remains of the 'Western Wall' plus, the many architectural remains of synagogues buried deep under Muslim mosques and other pagan edifices all over Jerusalem. Can you dig it, Muzzies?
If pressed, I'm positively certain that among the dusty, crumbling scrolls of Hebraic documents, today's Israeli scholars could produce original written documentation in the form of sales receipts for bricks & mortar purchased to build those ancient synagogues that predate any occupancy claimed by the true descendants of apes & pigs - the Isalameez.
Hamas and the other 'Merchants of Violence' can kick and scream until they are blue in their be-whiskered faces (pronounced 'feces') and will become dust that blows across the sands of the Arabian peninsula for a few more centuries, before they could ever provide anything resembling valid proof of ownership of the Holy Land. The lesson to be learned:
Keep your sales slips.
MORT KUFF © 4-4-2014
Thursday, April 3, 2014
By Paul Harvey
Conveniently Forgotten Facts.
Back in 1969 a group of Black Panthers decided that a fellow black panther named Alex Rackley needed to die. Rackley was suspected of disloyalty. Rackley was first tied to a chair. Once safely immobilized, his friends tortured him for hours by, among other things, pouring boiling water on him.
When they got tired of torturing Rackley, Black Panther member, Warren Kimbro took Rackley outside and put a bullet in his head. Rackley's body was later found floating in a river about 25 miles north of New Haven, Connecticut.
Perhaps at this point you're curious as to what happened to these Black Panthers?
In 1977, that's only eight years later, only one of the killers was still in jail.
The shooter, Warren Kimbro, managed to get a scholarship to Harvard and became good friends with none other than Al Gore. He later became an assistant dean at an Eastern Connecticut State College.
Isn't that something!!!
As a '60s radical you can pump a bullet into someone's head and a few years later, in the same state, you can become an assistant college dean!
Only in America!!!
Erica Huggins was the woman who served the Panthers by boiling the water for Mr. Rackley's torture ... Some years later Ms. Huggins was elected to a California School Board.
How in the world do you think these killers got off so easily?
Maybe it was in some part due to the efforts of two people who came to the defense of the Panthers.
These two people actually went so far as to shut down Yale University with demonstrations in defense of the accused Black Panthers during their trial.
One of these people was none other than Bill Lan Lee. Mr. Lee, or Mr. Lan Lee, as the case may be, isn't a college dean. He isn't a member of a California School Board. He is now head of the United States Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, appointed by none other than Bill Clinton.
O.K., so who was the other Panther defender? Is this other notable Panther defender now a school board member? Is this other Panther apologist now an assistant college dean? No, neither!
The other Panther defender was, like Lee, a radical law student at Yale University at the time. She is now known as The "smartest woman in the world." She is none other than the former Democratic Senator from the State of New York---- the former First Lady, the incredible Hillary Rodham Clinton.
And now, as Paul Harvey said; "You know the rest of the story".
This deserves the widest possible press. Also remember it when she runs for President!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Saul Alinsky on 8 levels of Control
Born: Saul David Alinsky, January 30, 1909, Chicago, Illinois
Died: June 12, 1972, Carmel-by-the-Sea, California
Education: University of Chicago, Ph.B. 1930, University of Chicago Graduate School, criminology, 1930–1932.
Occupation: Community organizer, writer, political activist
Notable works: Reveille for Radicals (1946); Rules for Radicals (1971)
Awards: Pacem in Terris Award, 1969
Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. From that book here are Saul's thoughts on how to create a social state:
There are 8 levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a social state. The first is the most important.
1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people
2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun Control – Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Does any of this sound familiar?
The Alinsky student, Barry Soetoro, is well on his way to hammering home these means to control the People. The Evil Genius Behind Obama has planned this for years and the majority of the People accept this. Beware of The Useful Idiots, aka Democrats! They have given power to b. hussein obama, the most Anti-American President of All Time.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Hillary Clinton thinks that with 4 dead Americans, "what difference at this point does it make" Sadly, she won't understand this poem. And remember Obama's calloused statement, “a bump in the road”?
I recall, however, the President referring to the Benghazi incident as "a bump in the road". Today I heard an ex-Navy Seal being interviewed regarding a book he has written about how to handle crisis situations in our lives. At the end of the interview he asked if he could make a comment on Benghazi and, of course, the anchor said yes.
He then thanked Fox News for keeping the Benghazi story in the news, since other news organizations are not. He said the Seals who died deserve that the public know the truth about the whole affair . . . but, the way things go these days that seems unlikely.
The poem was written by a MARINE CORPS Officer (ANON). Very thought provoking and poignant.
Please read it and pass it on . . . it's one way to keep the issue alive.
The Battling Boys of Benghazi
We're the Battling Boys of Benghazi,
no fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell
defending the country we loved so well.
It wasn't our job, but we answered the call,
fought to the consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty countrymen from the jaws of fate,
led them to safety and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us, and foes by the score,
but we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
so we fought and we fought and we fought till we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam
but Barack Obama didn't give a damn
just two dead SEALs who carried the load
no thanks to us - we were just "bumps in the road".
This article should be circulated as much as we can possibly keep it going. I think this is the feeling of the general population and it should be pursued until something is done with the incompetency in Washington who literally sat in the White House and State Department watching their execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing to save or rescue them.
The problems we face today exist because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living!
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The emergence of vitriolic radical liberalism has created uncivil, hostile reaction toward legitimate disagreements.
To mute anyone in opposition against them, their ploy is to accuse them of racism.
Many prominent members of their ilk are the real racists, because they choose to divide instead of unite, to promote
their ideology with the scent of socialism. In 2008 and 2012, without the white vote, Barack Obama could not be elected;
yet their argument is, he is losing favorability because of the color of his skin. It is not the color, it's the ply. He
is too thin skinned to accept criticism and his followers instinctively circle the wagons to protect his many weaknesses
and blunders. Among his critics are many prominent black conservatives of distinction. Are they to be labeled racists?
Standing in the way of implementing his and their agendas is tradition. It must be destroyed to move ahead. The
methods are visible in the form of legalizing marijuana, same sex marriage, invading individuals privacy, giving
in to foreign influence by following instead of leading, using the IRS against conservative enterprise, recognizing
undisciplined, pervasive, unattractive lifestyle individuals as friends of Barack and his administration who infringe
on the rights of others, using political correctness.
Through his illustrations, Norman Rockwell portrayed Traditional America with warmth of family and the perseverance
of the less fortunate to become a part of the American dream they knew can come with honest labor. Being a traditionalist
I partook in the opportunities that my country offered, up to my capabilities and ambition. It was up to me how much
I was willing to give that governed the heights I could reach. I could have exerted more effort to reach beyond my
present state. The responsibility was mine and not somebody else or the state to provide me with the style I would
have liked.
Tradition is the foundation of conservatism. To be a conservative means, you want to conserve the things our forefathers
fought for. Decency, tolerance, respect, morality, a father, mother family, Judeo-Christian values that transcends
into other legitimate, peaceful religions.
Copying Norman Rockwell, their version would depict a different portrait of America, lacking in the warmth of family
and the perseverance of the down trodden. Instead it will look like a page out of People Magazine, Starbucks, porn
movies passing as artistic endeavor, immodest freaks called celebrities, dirt bag athletes offered as role models,
fatherless households, teenage pregnancies, and the same sex marriage mockery. These are the hues in the liberal
Not all the blame can be laid on the President's door step. We are in an era of Tech Toys. There are miraculous
happenings in the technological world when used properly, but dangerous when improperly used, in the hands of morons.
Fourteen presidents were real time during my life span, so what I say has backing in offering my assessment of Barack
Obama and his administration. It is incompetency, deceit, blundering and hypocrisy. The media's evaluation differs
from mine, because their bias is part of the problem. Too many in the media with positions to air opinion, are products
of the sixties when nontraditional became fashionable and normal, and the nation's morals started to decline and decay.
I'm witnessing the President's favorability numbers plummeting and wonder why it took five years for academia, media
pundits and others so enamored with him to realize how unfit he is for the office. People like me, whom publishers,
editors, programmers and other so called experts in their tight knit club are ignored because, for them we don't
posses the right credentials they think is criteria for credibility.
Conservative article from George Giftos
radical-liberalism. homicide,
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
This one is a little different.... Two Different Versions ... Two Different Morals
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.
The grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.
Be responsible for yourself!
The ant works hard in the withering heat and the rain all summer long, building his house
and laying up supplies for the winter.
The grasshopper thinks the antis a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while he is cold and starving..
Lowlifes at CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food.
America is stunned by the sharp contrast.
How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on with disgusting Oprah with the grasshopper
and everybody cries when they sing, 'It's Not EasyBeing Green ...'
Occupy the Anthill stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the SEIU group singing, We shall overcome.
Then racist Rev Al Sharpton's assistant has the group kneel down to pray for the grasshopper
while he damns the ants. The Reverend Al can not attend as he has contractual commitments to appear on his MSNBC show for which he is paid over two million dollars a year to complain that rich people do not care.
President Barry Obama condemns the ant and blames President Bush 43, President Bush 41, President Reagan, Christopher Columbus, and the Pope for the grasshopper's plight….
Nancy Pelosi and; Harry Reid exclaim in an interview on The View
that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper ,
and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act
retroactive to the beginning of the summer.
The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the Government Green Czar and given to the grasshopper .
The story ends as we see the grasshopper and his free-loading friends finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which, as you recall, just happens to be the ant's old house,
crumbles around them because the grasshopper doesn't maintain it.
The ant has disappeared in the snow, never to be seen again.
The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident, and the house, now abandoned, is taken
over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the ramshackle, once prosperous and peaceful, neighborhood.
The entire Nation collapses bringing the rest of the free world with it.
Be careful how you vote in 2014 and 2016. Remember that the dirtbag Democrats support BHO as he punishes America and crushes the Middle class and destroys the working poor.
You are reading this because I believe that you are an ant not a grasshopper !
Make sure that you pass this on to other ants .
Don't bother sending it on to any grasshoppers because they wouldn't
understand it, anyway
Hat tip to Mr. I
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