Showing posts with label Barbara-Boxer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbara-Boxer. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Black Chamber of Commerce CEO blasts Marxist Obama

This Video is from the great Laura Ingraham show. You know her, the smart, funny Lady who the Left Wing Marxist attack! The Left Wing Nazis (Slave Owner Democrats) have zero material to confront Laura Ingraham about so they just call her names that are what a High School knucklehead might say.

Please watch this explosive interview, with Harry Alford on the Laura Ingraham Show. Harry Alford is the president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. He comes out and slams Obama's anti-business stance. Harry Alford knows he made a huge mistake voting for Barry Soetoro simply because he is black. Harry Alford should have known Obama was destructive to America as B. Hussein Obama was voted more LIBERAL than Barbara Boxer. Lowlife Barbara Boxer was the snake who made Racist remarks to Harry Alford.

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Friday, May 7, 2010

Is Barbara Boxer, too Stupid or too Racist for California?

Watch this Low-Life Barbara Boxer squirm as she is called out on being a Racist. She links all Black People together. She is probably the same type of Racist who thinks all Mexican People are Brown Skinned and pick lettuce. Some of the Arizona Illegal Immigrants sell drugs, rape, murder or steal.

Political Correctness has us (Legal Americans) being held hostage in our own Country! Make these Radical Left Wing Nazis pay (Politically) asap!

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Boxer and Rice

I scanned the print media and surfed the broadcast networks, finding a lack or hardly any mention of the outrageously rude and disrespectful ranting and questioning by Senator Pit Bull -- I mean Sen. Boxer (I know it was some kind of dog) directed toward Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during Senate committee hearings.

By her accusations against Secretary Rice, the senator shows she is too family oriented to make objective, non-personal evaluations and decisions affecting the nation as a whole.

This obnoxious New York transplant senator from California doesn't and never will possess the class, dignity, elegance, talent and intelligence of Dr. Rice and she is too crude to know when an apology is in order.

Conservative Commentary by George Giftos

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