Showing posts with label shirley-sherrod. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shirley-sherrod. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mark Levin On The Real Shirley Sherrod

We still are reeling from the death of the great Andrew Breitbart. There was some mention that the despicable Shirley Sherrod was still chasing Andrew Breitbart with a lawsuit. This nasty woman and her husband have already burned America enough but they want more. We wanted to refresh everyone's memory of the Barry Soetoro connection with another scam artist and racist.

What started out as a small claim by 400 black farmers had escalated into a claim by over 80,000 “farmers” trying to get in on this enormous scam? The original lawsuit claimed that the USDA unlawfully denied loans to poor black farmers. The case was entitled Pigford v. Glickman. The farmers won their case and the government agreed to pay them as much as $50,000 each to settle their claims.

Yet the facts changed or should we say the scam as on in February of last year. There was an enormous change in relation to that original judgment. In total silence, the Politically correct USDA agreed to release more funds to “Pigford”. The amount was a staggering $1.25 billion (that’s with a “b”). This was because the original number of plaintiffs- 400 black farmers- had now grown in a class action law suit to include a total of 86,000 black farmers throughout America. There is only one problem - there isn’t 86,000 black farmers in America, not even close.

Pigford itself is, in the least a large scam perpetrated on America. The vast majority of payouts under Pigford were fraudulent. In excess of 80,000 "black farmers" have taken advantage of the Pigford settlement, when there were only about 16,000 black farmers in the entire country.

Only days after vile Shirley Sherrod and her lowlife husband were awarded cash by the USDA, B. Hussein Obama asked her to join it. Shirley Sherrod's lending philosophy is the same racially-motivated subprime mortgage philosophy that has destroyed the U.S. economy. The weasel Carter started the Community Reinvestment Act while Slick Willie Clinton pushed it further. All the while Barry Soetoro was ramping up his racially motivated ACORN group to help destroy the Housing industry and the economy.

The fact that Obama hired Sherrod in the first place demonstrates that Obama has learned a lot from racist Rev. Wright. The fact that the Obama administration's new job offer to Sherrod included oversight of ending the USDA's discriminatory practices with regard to Pigford - the case from which she just received a bucket load of cash - shows that Obama is just as racially motivated as all of his mentors and friends, from Frank Marshall Davis, Al Sharpton, Racist Reverend Wright and Professor Gates.

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Thursday, March 1, 2012

American Hero Andrew Breitbart Dead at 43


In Memoriam: Andrew Breitbart (1969-2012)

Andrew Breitbart has passed away and this is a huge tragedy. We, as American Conservatives have lost a special person who fought hard for America. Andrew Breitbart was a Hero. America has deteriorated when we talk about the MSM. The MSM are now just Media Supporting Marxism. Andrew would attack this Politically Correct disaster at every turn.

Andrew Breitbart was one a few key voices on our side that would speak up against the vile Left Wing. Andrew Breitbart was attacked over and over and he kept fighting for America. Andrew Breitbart found the Truth and showed it to America, even if it was ugly. Look at how he exposed the racist Shirley Sherrod and her lowlife Husband. These People have stolen millions from America as they and others posed as Black Farmers. The only thing many of this Crowd grew was racism.

I respected Andrew Breitbart for many reasons. He grew up in California and could have become the typical Liberal out there. You know the California Liberal who wants poor people taken care of, just not with their money and keep them out of the Liberals neighborhood. Andrew Breitbart heard Rush Limbaugh and had an awakening of sorts. This awakening ended up being very valuable for Conservatives in America. Andrew Breitbart went on to attack Barrack Obama's ACORN and many other left wing racist groups.

Breitbart was a prolific commentator who founded several websites devoted to covering politics, entertainment and everything in between. Earlier in his career, he worked for the Drudge Report before breaking off to start his own outlets -- including Big Government, Big Hollywood and

The statement below is on his sites and quoted the concluding passage from his book, Righteous Indignation.

"I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and-famously-I enjoy making enemies. Three years ago, I was mostly a behind-the-scenes guy who linked to stuff on a very popular website. I always wondered what it would be like to enter the public realm to fight for what I believe in. I've lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I've gained hundreds, thousands -- who knows? -- of allies. At the end of the day, I can look at myself in the mirror, and I sleep very well at night."

This statement from a Hero said: "Andrew is at rest, yet the Happy Warrior lives on. He lives on in each of the real Conservative Americans”.

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Stop Marxism & Keep Shirley Sherrod Unemployed

Shirley Sherrod is now the Victim! Yes that is Marxism and Black Theology at it's best. She was taken out of context with her Racist remarks. Yes, when a Racist Liberal gets caught, it is always "out of context".

Oh, so the real victim, the White Farmer is fine and dandy now so we have to let Sherrod off the hook for being a stinking racist? That is the same agenda the Left Wing Nazis use with Roman Polanski. Oh the Victim said she does not want to press charges so let low life Rapist Polanski off the hook. In fact Rapist Polanski is a cult hero with many Hollywood Crackpots and their Kool-Aid drinkers.
Ever think maybe that WHITE Farmer did not want Barry and his Thugs coming after him? Of course the Farmer does not want the SEIU, ACORN and Coward Eric Holders's New Black Panthers showing up on the farm. Look what the Chicago Gang did to Sarah Palin with lawsuits? The White Farmer might not have “his own people” (Sherrod's words for white people to go to their own people) to help him.
We must Stop Marxism and Black Theology from creeping in further to our Government.
Let's get graphic as we have to make a point. What if that was one of your family members or friends at the Fort Hood Massacre? Again, that is Political Correctness and Marxism terrorizing America.

Sherrod is now asking “WHAT CAN I GET”? She wants to hammer Breitbart. Andrew Breitbart is an American Hero for all he has done. Sherod is still a lowlife Racist left Winger!
Sherrod learned her lesson? Ya, it is okay for a high paid, Government Employee to say “we are better off with a Black President”. That Racist statement may have been the gravy to get her a new job in the Obama Regime.
Of course we are for Freedom of Speech. Yet when a Government Official is making obvious Racist Statements and getting paid with our Tax Dollars. She had to go!

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