Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Allen West for Congress!!!

We are putting this post on to help promote a Real Patriot, Allen West! We, Floridians, must stop the Marxists, Wexlars, Crists and horrible Democrat politicians. Allen West is the answer with Marco Rubio. Make the change now so we can fight (politically) to stop B. Hussein Soetero from completely destroying our Constitution.

This portion below is from Allen West.

Greetings Patriot,

We must remain vigilant in protecting our Liberty as we continue our fight to preserve this Constitutional Republic.

The attacks on our conservative principles are coming faster and from a wider variety of adversaries.

Over the last month, the mainstream media has attempted to paint Tea Parties as racist organizations. This charge is ludicrous and almost laughable. I have personally attended several Tea Party gatherings - large and small - since their inception over a year ago. The Tea Party movement is committed to supporting candidates and elected officials who will end out of control government spending and get the government out of the way so our economy can recover. This is why they support me, and why I have their flank covered.

And now President Obama has nominated Elena Kagan for the opening on the Supreme Court. Kagan filed an amicus brief that was aimed at banning military recruiters from campus when she was Dean of Harvard's Law School. Additionally, she favors extending Constitutional protections to illegal enemy combatants further weakening our National Security.

After speaking out on both these issues, it should come as no surprise the liberal media has started to attack me. Just last week the Daily Beast (what a name-of course you know it is a liberal online publication!) tried to use my military record against me.

These attacks are just the beginning. You have previously shown great courage in joining our campaign to return basic American values to the United States Congress. Once again, I am asking for your help as we fight back against the liberal political machine which is controlling Washington DC right now.

Your contribution will help me fight these liberal attacks that are being shot at me and our campaign as we try to bring common conservative sense to Washington!

Please click HERE to make a contribution to defeat one of Nancy Pelosi's puppets-Democratic Congressman Ron Klein. Your support will allow us to deliver our message of providing physical and economic security to all our citizens.

Steadfast and Loyal,

LTC (R) Allen B. West.

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1 comment:

Right Side said...

Allen West is a great American Hero and a real up and comer in the Republican Party.