Monday, September 14, 2009

Man charged with hitting bicyclist with his car near Lake Worth

Below is just one of many problems with illegal immigrants. Note the word ILLEGAL! If I am speaking out about something that is illegal then why do the Left Wingers call me Racist. If an an illegal immigrant broke into a Liberals home and murdered their family murders, would that "Illegal" act be okay? We have to think of every Illegal Alien as a Murderer, Rapist, Terrorist (okay for Obama maybe we can leave off using the word Terrorist) or Thief. Enough is enough!

LAKE WORTH — Authorities have arrested a Guatemalan national on charges that he struck a biker with his car Sunday near Lake Worth's public beach and then hit him a second time as he fled the scene.

Tadeo Santizo, 20, was driving north on A1A Sunday morning in a borrowed car when he struck bicyclist Kevin Hagenstad, 41, of Boca Raton, sending him flying into the road, according to an arrest report.

In an effort to get away, Santizo, an illegal immigrant, then backed the car up and struck Hagenstad again, authorities say. He sped off but then stopped the car, and he and the passengers ran toward the beach.

With the help of some local surfers, Palm Beach County Sheriff's deputies tracked down Santizo in the water and brought him back to the beach.

He was eventually charged with leaving the scene of a crash involving an injury, driving without a valid license, reckless driving and resisting arrest without violence.

Hagenstad was taken to St. Mary's Medical Center to be treated for several broken bones and ribs, and various cuts and road rashes along his body.

Santizo was booked into the Palm Beach County Jail.

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